Friday, January 26, 2007

A Psychedelic Experience

On Wednesday night, my very good friend Janelle and I ingested some very delicious mushroom tea. It was Janelle's first experience with psychedelics and I was proud to be the one by her side. We laughed, cried, made art and poetry, found ourselves in music, blessed her diminishing dog, stared at the clouds and the heavens, started a zine, and became closer than we could ever imagine. Overall, the night was a beautiful and liberating experience. I consider our journey together a cosmic gift and would like to share some of the short poetry I pulled from my mind that wondrous night.


A poem for my love:

a fungus grew
Inside and Beside me
And as it grew
the Stars and the Sights
Reflected Everything
And Nothing
but You

Poem for Peeing:

Into a hole
I drain
The whole
Into a bowl

One more for him:

His Name
The fruit of my tongue
Red purple grapes
Enslaved by his toxic embrace
Pears and Figs
Crisp with the thought
Of his lips,
His eyes,
And the way he plays tricks


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