Thursday, August 17, 2006

in my sugar sweet loveliness
my deranged way of loving
this is what i came here for what i speak on
sea crossing the bloody blue shore in Padre
this i taste on my salty free flowing lips
is the truth and the fire of the sun
my horns that trumpet all bright and slick
take hold of the trips the winos speak of
i wish to have been there with them
split in their ancient glory days
laughter and gold sparkles in their eyes
hiding the miracles of the world the state conceals
the marvels they dont want you to know
cosset and let it fill you up

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ive stabbed the sand for the last time
my hands are an untimely dry now and I
close my eyes trying to finally
be somewhere green against blue sky

i know how i miss tomorrow
the way it was already known
and far away or at home in the finger-paint attic
not a single spread mouth detail was ever forgot

off to the seashell studded wall like everybody else
sell what you know and be someone else
feel yourself spin again and forget
what was not to be forgot

Thursday, August 10, 2006

i danced in a storm today
just me and the thunder

and i wept with the sky
and my tears with the rain
made bitter love
and tore my heart open and had me on knees
dented by the ground beneath me

i thought of you
of the past and the mistakes and the wonders
of beauty and destruction

soon my face kissed the earth
and i was still
in a moment of despair

then i found myself
and raised my eyes to the heavens
and asked for mercy
once more

Sunday, August 06, 2006

yes, its up to me now

Though you abuse me with your words
My solid heart only beats stronger
Hurts but grits its bloody teeth
And my veins thicken and run with mercury
Ironically turning me lighter and free from anger

The ways we speak now will matter no longer
Once I’ve grown past your shallow heart
Pushed my way to the top
Where the eagles will be forced to crane their necks
To see my soles in the clouds
And take my place in the world as the goddess of love;
the predictions I found in the scripts of the past

You will see
I’ll show you who I am.
And one day you will fall to your knees
Reach for your parted red sea of a mouth in disbelief
At the miracle I can be